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Nathan Smith

Nehemiah 4

July 28, 2024

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan talks about stacking rocks, meaning daily grinding faithfulness. It is hard work being consistent on a daily basis. He teaches about how Nehemiah kept going when everyone was mad at him. Nehemiah prayed and kept building the wall (stacking rocks). It is difficult to know how to handle the voices from outside, inside or family. Christ is the best voice to listen to. Pastor preaches that Jesus: 1- spoke words of eternal life, 2 – will do what we can’t, not what we can, 3 – said the way would be hard. SO: pray and stack rocks. Listen in this week to the sermon series on the book of Nehemiah: God Powered Resilience.

Nathan Smith

Nehemiah 3

July 21, 2024

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan asks you to consider “Am I doing my part?” He preaches that God: 1- did His part, 2 – gave you a part, 3 – will reward you for doing your part. SO: what is your part? Everyone has a part in the body of Christ. Nehemiah describes in this chapter all the different people who helped build the wall around the city. Listen in this week to the the third talk in the sermon series on the book of Nehemiah: God Powered Resilience.

Nathan Smith

Nehemiah 2

July 14, 2024

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan asks again “What is God calling you to prayerfully face?” He preaches that God: 1- reigns, 2 – calls us to move, 3 – gives success. SO: prayerfully wait, thankfully accept, disrupt your life, carefully count the cost, form a team, tell the voices about God. So what will we do? As a church, what do we face? There are lost people all around us. Listen in this week to the the second talk in the sermon series on the book of Nehemiah: God Powered Resilience.

Nathan Smith

Nehemiah 1

July 7, 2024

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan asks “What is God calling you to prayerfully face?” He goes to teach that you can’t heal what your hiding; deal with it or deny it. He preaches that God: 1- helps His people persist, 2 – keeps His Word, 3 – cares. SO: will you prayerfully face it? As a church, what do we face? He suggests to name it, write it down and pray about it. Pastor talked about prayer using the ACTS acronym: Adore, Confess, Thank, aSk. Nehemiah’s heart is a shadow of God’s heart. Listen in this week to the introduction to the new sermon series on the book of Nehemiah: God Powered Resilience.