Nathan Smith

Nehemiah 3

July 21, 2024

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan asks you to consider “Am I doing my part?” He preaches that God: 1- did His part, 2 – gave you a part, 3 – will reward you for doing your part. SO: what is your part? Everyone has a part in the body of Christ. Nehemiah describes in this chapter all the different people who helped build the wall around the city. Listen in this week to the the third talk in the sermon series on the book of Nehemiah: God Powered Resilience.

Nathan Smith

Nehemiah 2

July 14, 2024

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan asks again “What is God calling you to prayerfully face?” He preaches that God: 1- reigns, 2 – calls us to move, 3 – gives success. SO: prayerfully wait, thankfully accept, disrupt your life, carefully count the cost, form a team, tell the voices about God. So what will we do? As a church, what do we face? There are lost people all around us. Listen in this week to the the second talk in the sermon series on the book of Nehemiah: God Powered Resilience.

Nathan Smith

Nehemiah 1

July 7, 2024

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan asks “What is God calling you to prayerfully face?” He goes to teach that you can’t heal what your hiding; deal with it or deny it. He preaches that God: 1- helps His people persist, 2 – keeps His Word, 3 – cares. SO: will you prayerfully face it? As a church, what do we face? He suggests to name it, write it down and pray about it. Pastor talked about prayer using the ACTS acronym: Adore, Confess, Thank, aSk. Nehemiah’s heart is a shadow of God’s heart. Listen in this week to the introduction to the new sermon series on the book of Nehemiah: God Powered Resilience.

First Baptist Church

2 Peter 3:14-18

June 30, 2024

Brendon’s question: “What are you being diligent in?” He goes on to remind us of our foundation in Christ. The Scripture reminds us again that we must keep growing in our faith. Brendon preaches: Christ will return, and examine, so be found: 1 – Diligent, 2 – On guard, 3 – Growing. Listen in this week, as we finish the book of 2 Peter in the sermon series: Rock Solid.

Nathan Smith

2 Peter 3:1-13

June 23, 2024

Pastor Nathan’s question: “How well do you do at waiting?” Pastor goes on to say that waiting is a part of life and waiting is hard. Nathan preaches that Jesus will return and judgement is coming: 1 – He will destroy the ungodly, 2 – He is giving you time to repent, 3 – delay is not cancellation. So: wait whole-life-ready and wait well on-mission. He challenges us to think of someone to pray for and tell them about Jesus. Listen in this week, as we learn more in 2 Peter in the sermon series: Rock Solid.

First Baptist Church

2 Peter 1:1-22

June 16, 2024

Pastor Nathan’s message: “Stay on the Jesus Way in spite of what others say because God will rescue and destroy.” Pastor reminds us that we need positive momentum in our Christian life to stay rock solid in our faith. The Scripture warns of voices that might call us off the Jesus way. Nathan teaches that God will destroy (the wicked and unrighteous) and rescue (the righteous). So: 1 – beware of pretenders (lies, sexual sin, greed, arrogance), 2 – repent for salvation (He is giving us time to repent but we don’t know how much time we have left), 3 – stay on the Jesus Way. Listen in this week, as we learn more in 2 Peter in the sermon series: Rock Solid.

Nathan Smith

2 Peter 1:16-21

June 9, 2024

Pastor Nathan’s message: “Keep getting to know God because Jesus will return.” Pastor goes on to state that we need positive momentum in our Christian life to stay rock solid. We must keep growing to keep from falling. Nathan teaches three proofs that Jesus will return: 1 – He is the reigning Son of God, 2 – prophecies of the day of the Lord will come true, 3 – Scripture is God speaking. So: get to know God. He challenges us to read or listen to 2 Peter for better understanding, to repent and/or tell others about God. Listen in this week, as we learn more in 2 Peter in the sermon series: Rock Solid.

First Baptist Church

2 Peter 1:3-15

June 2, 2024

In this sermon, Brendon asks “Is a Godly life, a full life?” Brendon teaches that God equips us for effectiveness. So: 1 – fuel your faith, 2 – confirm your calling, 3 – endure with eternity in mind. A Godly life is a fruitful life. Listen in this week, as we learn more in 2 Peter in the sermon series: Rock Solid.

First Baptist Church

2 Peter 1:1-2

May 26, 2024

In this message, Brendon asks “what is your foundation made of?” He talks about foundational truths from 2 Peter in this book in the Bible. Brendon teaches about Christ’s Righteousness: 1- gives us equal standing, 2 – to grow in grace and peace, and 3 – in knowledge of God and Jesus. Listen in this week, as we look at foundational truth in the sermon series: Rock Solid.

Nathan Smith

Summary of Colossians

May 19, 2024

In this sermon series, Pastor Nathan challenges us to mature in Christ and to read the entire book of Colossians each week for better understanding. Maturity is Christ-likeness. This week’s question is what will you take with you from Colossians? The first two chapters are about what to believe and last two chapters are about how to live and get along. Pastor preaches that Colossians 1 reminds us that Jesus is Lord, Colossians 2 tells us that Jesus is Savior, and Colossians 3 & 4 repeats that Jesus offers us new life. Listen in this week, as we review what we have learned in the book of Colossians in the sermon series: Mature in Christ.

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