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Nathan Smith

Colossians 4:7-9

April 28, 2024

In this series, Pastor Nathan challenges us to mature in Christ and to read the entire book of Colossians each week for better understanding. The passage this week is about how relationships reflect our maturity in Christ. Pastor preaches that Jesus saved us into His growing body. Jesus saved us into relationships. So: 1 – mature people are trustworthy, 2 – mature people reconcile, 3 – mature people form teams. Trust is the foundation of relationships and mature people grow in Christ-likeness. Listen in this week, as we look at relationships in the sermon series: Mature in Christ.

Nathan Smith

Colossians 4:2-6

April 21, 2024

In this series, Pastor Nathan challenges us to train to mature in Christ and to read the entire book of Colossians each week for better understanding. This week’s question is: “what do you believe in so much that you would wear chains or go to prison for it?” Pastor teaches that Paul was in chains for 4 years and in prison for his beliefs. God uses us to spread the Good News. So: 1 – stay spiritually fit, 2 – trust the Message, 3 – speak up – like Jesus (be wise in your speech). Pastor also teaches that thanksgiving is the anti-venom to satanic discontent. Thanksgiving is a path to God-pleasing contented joy. Listen in this week, as we consider if what we believe is worth chains in the sermon series: Mature in Christ.

Nathan Smith

Colossians 3:18 – 4:1

April 14, 2024

In this series, Pastor Nathan challenges us to read the entire book of Colossians each week for better understanding. He defines maturity as becoming more like Jesus and this is measured most accurately at home. This week’s theme is “We serve the Lord at home and at work”. Pastor preaches that Jesus is our Savior and Lord. So: 1 – serve Jesus, 2 – serve them, 3 – focus on the future reward. Listen in this week, as we look at Christian maturity in the sermon series: Mature in Christ.

First Baptist Church

Colossians 3:12-17

April 7, 2024

In this sermon, Brendon teaches on the core truth from this Scripture passage: I am His chosen love. So I will: choose to love; be ruled by the peace of Christ; and give thanks. Listen in this week, as we look at holy living in the sermon series: Mature in Christ.