Men’s Ministry
Men, may God find us fit for use.
First Baptist Church of Allegan strives to offer an intentional atmosphere and opportunities for men to be Fit in Spirit, Mind, and Body, to be the men God has intended us to be, “Fit for Use” by God to serve his Kingdom.
Through opportunities for study, fellowship, mentoring, and activities we hope to grow as balanced men, striving to be Christ like. We are used by God as we serve our families, friends and community with the goal of being disciples who make disciples.
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”
Luke 2:52
Join the men for bible study Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Fellowship Events
Men’s Breakfast
2nd Saturday monthly at Craig Chopp’s barn. Breakfast and fellowship at 8am
Men’s Bible Study
Wednesday’s 6:30, First Baptist Church, Allegan