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KidZone – Church just for kids!

Infants through 5th grade

There are several age-related groups that meet every Sunday morning at 10:00am in our KidZone. This is a time when children can learn more about Jesus and the Bible in a stimulating setting. This program provides growth for newborns through the fifth grade. Our goal is for your children to be excited about being a part of this energizing ministry.

God’s Little Lambs

Ages 0-1 years
A safe, nurturing environment for our youngest ones with loving, capable volunteers. If necessary, a paging system allows us to connect with parents during the service.

Fire Flies

Ages 2 – 3
First opportunities to let our 2 – 3 year old’s learn to “shine for Jesus”. Group activities tailored to their developmental skills are introduced as children learn to listen and work together.

Backyard Buddies

Ages 4-Kindergarten
Backyard Buddies learn about God and his son, Jesus, through songs, hands-on projects, group activities and that special listening time when God’s word is presented in a manner meaningful to a young child.

Treasure Club

1st & 2nd grade


3rd – 5th grade
Our Treasure Club and Explorer kids study the same Bible topic each week. The lessons are presented in an age appropriate manner to each separate group. Children learn that the whole Bible leads to Jesus. Emphasis is on helping students live out their faith in practical ways. The groups combine for an energetic music worship time. Video clips, hands-on activities, Bible memory and games reinforce each week’s Bible lesson.